Monday, June 29, 2015

sakibnsblog: Hubble views a nitrogen-rich planetary nebula

sakibnsblog: Hubble views a nitrogen-rich planetary nebula: COPIED FROM: Hubble views a nitrogen-rich planetary nebula NGC 6153 is a planetary nebula that is elliptical in shape, with an extre...

Hubble views a nitrogen-rich planetary nebula

Hubble views a nitrogen-rich planetary nebula

NGC 6153 is a planetary nebula that is elliptical in shape, with an extremely rich network of loops and filaments, shown clearly in this Hubble image. However, this is not what makes this planetary nebula so interesting for astronomers — it contains five times more nitrogen than our Sun as well as high concentrations of other elements. Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, Acknowledgement: Matej Novak.

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image shows a planetary nebula named NGC 6153, located about 4,000 light-years away in the southern constellation of Scorpius (The Scorpion). The faint blue haze across the frame shows what remains of a star like the Sun after it has depleted most of its fuel. When this happens, the outer layers of the star are ejected, and get excited and ionised by the energetic ultraviolet light emitted by the bright hot core of the star, forming the nebula.

NGC 6153 is a planetary nebula that is elliptical in shape, with an extremely rich network of loops and filaments, shown clearly in this Hubble image. However, this is not what makes this planetary nebula so interesting for astronomers.

Measurements show that NGC 6153 contains large amounts of neon, argon, oxygen, carbon and chlorine — up to three times more than can be found in the Solar System. The nebula contains a whopping five times more nitrogen than our Sun! Although it may be that the star developed higher levels of these elements as it grew and evolved, it is more likely that the star originally formed from a cloud of material that already contained a lot more of these elements.

Friday, June 26, 2015


Search Engine Optimization, commonly known as SEO is a unique process of bringing volume and quality traffic to a website. In the mid 1990’s the Webmasters and content providers started to site optimization when they recognized this process as one of the influential upcoming Internet marketing tool. Most probably Industry Analyst Danny Sullivan first use the phrase “Search Engine Optimization” in 1997.  

Such situation may arises when upgrading the ranking of a website on the search engine result
pages becomes the most vital point. And then the most obvious action can be taken is to re-arrange the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for that website. To increase the volume and quality of traffic to that specific website or to upgrade the ranking on the search engine result pages, SEO is one of the essential action can be chosen.

You may ask – why search engine ranking is that much important for a website? The answer is when

a search engine user looks for particular information they usually provide a keyword on the search engine main page and it is a common inclination among them is to visit those sites mostly which appears them first. Actually any one can say that this is the main reason, which makes Webmasters very keen to raise the ranking of their websites on the search engine result pages. To do that it is essential to have an appropriate Search Engine Optimization for that website.

To gain best result by doing a search engine optimization for a website, there are a lots of things and facts which need to be attended properly. What does a Search Engine Optimization do for a website? It actually increases the popularity and the volume of traffic to that site. So if the optimization done with a proper planning and in a proper manner, surely it will raise the ranking of that website on the result pages. How can you do a proper planning and can choose the proper manner for that? One of the most important things is to keep a close eye on the search engine algorithms and to study them very carefully. Search engine algorithms are ever changing and if not followed them properly while doing the optimization of a site one cannot get the desired result.  

Keywords are the most important way of bringing maximum traffic to a website. Still it is advisable
not to fill WebPages or websites with keywords. It is because filling with keywords is not considered to be a fair means of search engine optimization and it is somehow a way to manipulate the search engine for higher profit. Hence it better not to stuff your website with keywords for the betterment and safety. Otherwise the keywords are essentially important as the keywords are the main way of increasing volume of traffic to a website.

Internet Marketing is now a well-established means of spreading your business and products among large quantity of consumer. This new era of marketing is being highly facilitated by Search Engine Optimization.  

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Importance of directory submission for effective SEO

SEO experts and Internet marketing professionals are very much aware and understand the highest importance of directory submission for an effective search engine optimization. Almost in every business, regardless their sizes, directory submission always play an important role to bringing more traffic in to a company’s Website. While directory submission is a lengthy process and tedious, this technique is most effective way to driving traffic in to a sit that in result contribute higher ranking on search engine result pages.

Online directories are simply a list of website that is arranged category wise to help the users who are searching particular information. By submitting the directory, usually you ensure that the user can locate your company from the list. In most cases, the users allowed using keywords to search their required content and they can get the Website that fall under that keyword or keywords phrases. Directory and directory submission may seem simple and traditional, but can ensure the success of your online business.

There are two popular methods for directory submission. Automatic submission is not that much reliable but the most reliable technique is submitting your site to any directories manually. Manual directory submission service is simply as if you put your phone numbers and business details to any business directory. This is more reliable because this is completely done by human that may be you or the person you hire for your SEO. With manual directory submission, the chances are high that the customers will get the link to your website and following that link when they visit your Website they may likes your product and services.

A perfect SEO means that, your site will be indexed properly on search engine result pages. This indexing makes online directory unique one. Directory submission to an online directory will enhance the chance that your site will be noticed faster than if you do not submit. Besides that you do not have to worry if you have been found by the major search engines or not. With directory submission, definitely you are much more visible and accessible by large number of users.  

Another big advantage of directory submission while doing the SEO is that, you are not getting only volume traffic but the targeted traffic. This is due the fact that the directory owners classify sites based on their relevance. Therefore, people visiting your site through the link in a directory, they will surely have interest in you. It will be the sure indicator that, they are not visiting you by chance or through a false lead, rather they have found what they are looking for.

While submitting your site to any directories increase your popularity significantly. Since search engines place one way link that has a great value, these links allow users to come to your site but there are no other links to going back to other site. This one way links are considered most valuable techniques for search engine optimization and help you to get higher rank on search engine result pages. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Most common abuses done by an unethical SEO

Hiring an SEO can give you the desired visibility and ranking of your Website on search engine result pages. But sometimes your site may be at risk due to the unethical action of SEO that you have chosen. You will be responsible for what they have done as they can do a lot of harm to your site. Your site presence on search engine result pages may have a negative impact or even can be removed entirely from the search engine index. To avoid this type of unwanted consequences, do some proper ground work before taking the final decision of hiring an SEO.

Knowing in advance will cost you nothing but will save you from ultimate devastation. Therefore, it is wise to do research on the SEO that you are going to hire. Gathering knowledge about their experience by evaluating their examples of previous work will give you weigh their ability. If the particular SEO has developed lots of international sites, that can assure you about their expertise. Make them to reveal you the techniques they want to follow for optimizing your site.

Be aware of unethical SEOs. But how can you determine whether an SEO is making deceptive act or it is the right one to optimize your site. There are some certain facts by which you can know that the particular SEO is doing aggressive marketing which are not accepted business ethics.

The most common abuse often done by an SEO is creating shadow domains that deceptively redirect the users to a site. These shadow domains owned by the SEO and claims that they are working on behalf of you. If the relationship with SEO going to decline, they may redirect the domain to a different site even to a competitor’s site. In that case you are actually paying to develop a competing site entirely owned by the SEO.

Placing doorway pages loaded with keywords on somewhere of your website is another unlawful action, and the SEO will ensure you that this will make your page more relevant to most of the queries. This is not true as individual pages are not relevant for a large range of keywords. Often these doorway pages contain link of SEOs other clients that may be are with illegal contents. 

There are a few warning signs that will ensure you that you are working with a dishonest SEO. Since the type of warning is difficult to list in conventional way, so in case of any doubt, depends fully on your instincts. But you can definitely walk away if the SEO owns shadow domain, link your site with their other client’s site through doorway pages, if they offer to sell keywords in the address bar, if they are secretive in distinguishing between actual search results and ads that shows on search result pages.

If you are sure that you were deceived by any SEO then you can report it to the authority in your country responsible for making things perfect for online arena. 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Hubble Space Telescope Images

Hubble's True Blue Compact Dwarf

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image shows a galaxy known as UGC 11411. It is a galaxy type known as an irregular blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxy.

BCD galaxies are about a tenth of the size of a typical spiral galaxy such as the Milky Way and are made up of large clusters of hot, massive stars that ionize the surrounding gas with their intense radiation. Because these stars are so hot they glow brightly with a blue hue, giving galaxies like UGC 11411 their characteristic blue tint. With these massive stars being less than 10 million years old, they are very young compared to stellar standards. They were created during a starburst, a galaxy-wide episode of furious star formation. UGC 11411 in particular has an extremely high star formation rate, even for a BCD galaxy.

Unusually for galaxies with such intense star-forming regions, BCDs don’t contain either a lot of dust, or the heavy elements that are typically found as trace elements in recently formed stars, making their composition very similar to that of the material from which the first stars formed in the early universe. Because of this astronomers consider BCD galaxies to be good objects to study to improve our understanding of primordial star-forming processes.

The bright stars in the image are foreground stars in our own Milky Way galaxy.

Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA
Text credit: European Space Agency
Last Updated: June 21, 2015
Editor: Ashley Morrow
Tags:  Galaxies, Goddard Space Flight Center, Hubble Space Telescope, Universe
 Hubble Meeting the Neighbors
There are many galaxies in the universe and although there is plenty of room, they tend to stick together. The Milky Way, for example, is part of a large gathering of more than fifty galaxies known as the Local Group. Galaxy groups like this come together to form even larger groups called clusters which can congregate further still to create mammoth superclusters.
The sphere of space surrounding our galaxy is known as the Local Volume, a region some 35 million light-years in diameter and home to several hundred known galaxies. The subject of this new NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image, a beautiful dwarf irregular galaxy known as PGC 18431, is one of these galaxies.

This image shows PGC 18431 smudged across the sky, but it wasn’t imaged purely for its looks. These Hubble observations were gathered in order to probe how Local Volume galaxies cluster together and move around. Hubble’s high resolution allows astronomers to explore star populations within these moderately distant galaxies — specifically, stars known as tip of the red giant branch stars — in order to get an idea of the galaxy’s composition and, crucially, its distance from us. Knowing galactic distances enables us to accurately map a galaxy sample in three dimensions, a method key to understanding more about our cosmic neighbors, and to dismiss perspective and line-of-sight illusions.

Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA
Text credit: European Space Agency

Last Updated: June 21, 2015
Editor: Ashley Morrow
Tags:  Galaxies, Goddard Space Flight Center, Hubble Space Telescope, Image of the Day, Universe

Lonely Galaxy Lost in Space

Most galaxies are clumped together in groups or clusters. A neighboring galaxy is never far away. But this galaxy, known as NGC 6503, has found itself in a lonely position, at the edge of a strangely empty patch of space called the Local Void.

The Local Void is a huge stretch of space that is at least 150 million light-years across. It seems completely empty of stars or galaxies. The galaxy’s odd location on the edge of this never-land led stargazer Stephen James O’Meara to dub it the “Lost-In-Space galaxy” in his 2007 book, Hidden Treasures.

NGC 6503 is 18 million light-years away from us in the northern circumpolar constellation of Draco. NGC 6503 spans some 30,000 light-years, about a third of the size of the Milky Way.
This Hubble Space Telescope image shows NGC 6503 in striking detail and with a rich set of colors. Bright red patches of gas can be seen scattered through its swirling spiral arms, mixed with bright blue regions that contain newly forming stars. Dark brown dust lanes snake across the galaxy’s bright arms and center, giving it a mottled appearance.

The Hubble Advanced Camera for Surveys data for NGC 6503 were taken in April 2003, and the Wide Field Camera 3 data were taken in August 2013.
The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between NASA and the European Space Agency. NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the telescope. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore conducts Hubble science operations. STScI is operated for NASA by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., in Washington, D.C.

Photo Credit: NASA, ESA, D. Calzetti (University of Massachusetts), H. Ford (Johns Hopkins University), and the Hubble Heritage Team 

For images and more information about the Hubble Space Telescope, visit: or
Last Updated: June 21, 2015
Editor: Lynn Jenner
Tags:  Galaxies, Goddard Space Flight Center, Hubble Space Telescope, Image of the Day, Universe

Hubble Sees a Fascinating Core


This elliptical galaxy was discovered in March 1781 and lies about 60 million light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Virgo (The Virgin). The galaxy is part of the very heavily populated center of the Virgo Cluster, a cluster which consists of more than 1,000 galaxies.

This image does not show the whole galaxy but only its very interesting center with intriguing dust lanes that stretch across it. This is likely to be the best image of the region ever captured. Previous observations using Hubble’s Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) revealed a supermassive black hole in the center of Messier 84. Astronomers found the supermassive black hole by mapping the motion of the gas and the stars which are caught in its grip.

Next to its interesting center Messier 84 is also known for its supernovae. Two supernovae have been observed within the galaxy. The first, SN1957, was discovered in 1957 and another, called SN1991bg, was discovered in 1991.

Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA
Text credit: European Space Agency
Last Updated: June 21, 2015
Editor: Ashley Morrow
Tags:  Galaxies, Goddard Space Flight Center, Hubble Space Telescope, Universe

Hubble Peers into the Most Crowded Place in the Milky Way

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image presents the Arches Cluster, the densest known star cluster in the Milky Way. It is located about 25,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Sagittarius (The Archer), close to the heart of our galaxy, the Milky Way. It is, like its neighbor the Quintuplet Cluster, a fairly young astronomical object at between two and four million years old.

The Arches cluster is so dense that in a region with a radius equal to the distance between the sun and its nearest star there would be over 100,000 stars! At least 150 stars within the cluster are among the brightest ever discovered in the Milky Way. These stars are so bright and massive that they will burn their fuel within a short time (on a cosmological scale that means just a few million years). Then they will die in spectacular supernova explosions. Due to the short lifetime of the stars in the cluster the gas between the stars contains an unusually high amount of heavier elements, which were produced by earlier generations of stars.

Despite its brightness the Arches Cluster cannot be seen with the naked eye. The visible light from the cluster is completely obscured by gigantic clouds of dust in this region. To make the cluster visible astronomers have to use detectors which can collect light from the X-ray, infrared, and radio bands, as these wavelengths can pass through the dust clouds. This observation shows the Arches Cluster in the infrared and demonstrates the leap in Hubble’s performance since its 1999 image of same object.

Image credit: NASA/ESA
Text credit: European Space Agency

Last Updated: June 21, 2015
Editor: Ashley Morrow
Tags:  Goddard Space Flight Center, Hubble Space Telescope, Image of the Day, Stars, Universe

Saturday, June 20, 2015


sakibnsblog: DYING UNDER A PINK SUN: A SHORT STORY And then Old Nash decided to die next morning when the first ray of peculiar pink sunlight will hit the top of...

Be careful about the unethical SEOs

SEOs can provide you valuable services to optimize your site in order to get maximum customer’s attention, but some SEO with their overly aggressive marketing efforts and manipulating the search engine results in an unfair manner creating a situation for the industry that the customers are loosing their trust. If they unethically violate the rules, your site will be in danger. It may causes negative adjustments for the presence of your site on search engine result pages and even can be removed from the index. Before employing an SEO you must consider some points.

Keep in mind that no SEO can guarantee you the top ranking on any search engine result pages. Never select an SEO who claims to guarantee rankings mentioning that they have special relationship with the giant search engines, or advertise a priority submit to on of those giant’s result pages. Rather the only way to submit your site to the search engine directory is through add URL tag attached with search engine’s page or simply submitting a sitemap, and you can do this by yourself at free of cost.

When an SEO company try to hide or do not explain clearly what they are intend to do, you must be aware of that type of company. If something is unclear then ask for clear explanation. Your site may remove entirely from the search engine index if an SEO apply deceptive or misleading content like doorway pages or throwaway domains. You will be responsible for the action of SEO that you hired. Always better to know in advance that exactly how they are going to help you. If they have FTP access to your server, they are bound to explain the changes they are making in your site.

Do not link your site to an SEO. Usually the SEO advertise the power of free-for all links, link popularity schemes, or offer to submit your site to several number of search engines. These are simply usual methods that do not affect your ranking on the major search engine result pages, at least not the way you can consider a positive one.

Before selecting the SEO do some research on the industry. Look out for guidelines that are frequently published by the major search engines, press releases or expert’s articles in this matter. Many SEOs are following the practices that are beyond accepted business ethics. You must choose you SEO wisely.

Some SEOs claim that they can optimize your site with higher rank but place your site on the advertisement section rather than in the result pages. Note that major search engines have labeled their advertising section clearly and keep it separated from the result pages. Some of the search engines offer pay per click or pay per inclusion results with their regular web search results. Therefore, when you are paying an SEO be sure to understand where the money goes.

Be aware of the SEO, agencies or consultants who promise you number one ranking on the search engine result pages.