Monday, May 11, 2015

Meta Description may not increase your ranking but it is equally important for a good SEO

An HTML attributes which provides brief explanations of web page contents are Meta Description and are used mostly on search engine result pages (SERPs) to exhibit preview of a web page. It is not as important to improve the search engine ranking of a webpage but it is really very important and useful to increase user clicks or web traffic through SERPs. An extremely useful webmaster's tool to exhibit web contents by some short paragraph and allow the user to determine whether they are looking for the exact information those are in the particular webpage.

The success of Meta description lied in the intelligent use of keywords, at the same time needs to create a convincing portrayal which will attract the searcher to click. The key to better Meta description is the unswerving relevance to the page and distinctiveness of each page’s Meta description which should no more than 150-160 characters.  

The Meta Description is a kind of advertising. Using the SERP is attracts searchers/readers to a web page, and thus it is a enormously significant part of search Engine Optimization (SEO). To improve the click rate to a particular website, an well developed and attractive description with proper keywords is an essential part of SEO planning. Google and other search engine usually return the key words crafted in the Meta description in bold lettering. The best practice of Meta Description is to keep it within 150-160 characters though it can be any length, but search engines normally shorten snippets longer than 160 characters.

While creating Meta description make sure that there are title tags and Meta description for each page should be unique. Follow the dynamic and programming method to develop unique Meta description for automated pages and to avoid duplications.

Meta description will not increase the ranking of a website in to search engine. Google already announced in September 2009 that neither Meta description nor the Meta keywords has anything to do with increase SEO rankings. While the searcher use advanced search options based on Meta tag content matching and at the same time want to drag the short preview of the website on search engine result page, but remember that for normal web search it does not tempt the Google's ranking algorithms.
Often Google reduces the length description. So to avoid this kind of reducing it is better not to use non-alphanumeric characters in the Meta description and use single quotation mark rather than double quotation mark if the quotations are important for the particular Meta Description.   

Although Meta description is extremely important for a perfect SEO, but sometimes it is wiser not to use Meta description. As per the general rule, putting high emphasize on one to three frequently searched keyword or terms or phrases, use a Meta description for the searchers. But when the searchers are looking for websites those are containing enormous blogs or articles or a huge range of product catalogue, then it is better to allow the search engines to dig out the relevant results. This is because the Meta description concise the search within the limits of the keywords and the phrases used. Also need to keep in mind that social sites like Facebook always use Meta description when they share any webpage in their sites.  

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